Harold Fox (Managing Director)

Lucida Fox (General Manager)
Hi, my name is Lucida Harold Fox. I have joined my father’s company after getting my graduation. After completing my Management Studies I just wondered here and there only. One day I thought that Why should I dont utilize my management skills to my family business. And, finally I joined the company in 1999.
I believe that the pure water, pure air and pure food must be supplied to the people whether they are rich or not. I always put my best to provide pure water to the world.

Ivor Bebb (Public Relation Officer)
Hello World!!!, I personally know Harold since 1982. So many times I felt that me and Harold will do something for the people of the world. So, god gave us the best opportunity of Aqua Excel. When we started the business there were no pure water awareness (or awakeness I must say) to the people.
I am committed to provide healthy water to the people of this world. After all Aqua Excel Safe… Aqua Excel Life… is the my punch line too.

Ted Rogers (Technical Head)
I am a postdoctoral researcher in theoretical particle and nuclear physics at Penn State University. My research focuses on the use of perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD), combined with with phenomenological models, to predict the outcome of future high energy particle experiments like the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) or in high energy cosmic rays.
Finally, I have worked on a project to modify conventional techniques of nuclear physics such that they are more appropriate for certain particle physics applications. As part of this project, I did some calculations for the photo-production of vector mesons from the deuteron at intermediate energies without the use of the Glauber factorization assumption that is standard in multiple scattering techniques. A more exact treatment of kinematics is necessary because the high energy approximations that justify the standard approaches to multiple scattering become suspect at intermediate energies. Intermediate energy reactions are interesting because they can be used to study unusual effects such as the possible exchange of exotic hadronic states.
I Have joined Aqua Excel in 2001 as a Chief Supervisor of Quality Control Department. Now, I have been a head of the same department. My primary moto is to serve the people quality device and quality water output as well.